The best way to learn how you or a loved one could benefit from Parallel Profile™ is by reading about the impact matching medications to specific genes has on an individual and his/her loved ones. Select a heading to read the story.
“My mom only seemed to get worse instead of better, and I couldn’t help but wonder if her medications were even working. I ordered her a Parallel Profile™ to see if her medications put her at any risk and if there were safer alternatives for her to take instead. We found out in her Profile that two of her medications weren’t effective at all, and her doctors were able to change her medications to offer her almost immediate relief.”
Parallel Profile™ can help her get better
“Sawyer is my first baby. His Parallel Profile™ gave me information that can guide future medical decisions as well as giving me peace of mind. It included the genetic variant MTHFR, which I have and now know that he does too, so I was able to know within the first couple weeks of his life how to proceed with his care, and it will keep me updated as there are new discoveries.”
Parallel Profile™ can give you peace of mind
“It’s such a relief to understand why my son’s medication wasn’t working. He kept telling me it wasn’t helping, but I thought he was either not taking it or was wrong. To have the tension it was causing between us relieved is almost as wonderful as having him feel better! I even paid for it out of my HSA account. That was a nice surprise!”
Parallel Profile™ can pinpoint the right medication and the right dose in as little as two weeks
“My best friend had a severe reaction to a medication that I was taking too. He survived, but he’s now living in a nursing home. For a while, I refused to take the medication for fear of the same result, but then my wife found Parallel Profile™. When the report came back and I discovered I wasn’t at a greater risk with the medication, I was relieved. My wife and my physician are both happy that now I’m taking it as directed.”
Parallel Profile™ can help keep you safer
“I didn’t think taking medications would be necessary if I quit drinking and smoking after I had a heart attack. I was especially nervous to take the medication my doctor prescribed, as my mom had a serious ADR last year from the same medication. She almost died. Just to be sure, I ordered a Parallel Profile™ for me and my 2 kids. I found out that I was at an increased risk and so is my daughter. My doctor used the information to customize my treatment plan. My daughter used it to improve her diet, in hopes of avoiding future problems.”
Parallel Profile™ can more precisely customize your treatment
“Knowing my history of miscarriage, I became well educated in everything IVF, especially because I know I have MTHFR gene variants, putting my pregnancy at greater risk. I was recommended various expensive medications with cheaper generic medication options, but wasn’t sure if my baby would be as well protected with the generic medications. My Parallel Profile™ showed me which medications I could take safely, and which I should avoid”
Parallel Profile™ can keep you and your unborn baby safer
“Patrick’s psychiatrist tried him on two drugs, and then over three months’ time, increased his dosages. He didn’t improve and he became depressed. The doctor told us there were several more medications we could try until we find the one that works. That answer wasn’t good enough for us. Finding out that Parallel Profile™ covers almost all the ADHD, depression and anxiety medications Patrick’s psychiatrist was going to try, we decided to find out in two weeks what treatment will likely not work for him and which ones should perform normally, saving him months of struggle.”
Parallel Profile™ can find the answers faster
“We wanted to do absolutely everything for our little angel, including freezing the cord blood at birth, in order to have in the event of childhood cancer. When we heard about Parallel Profile™ was available to identify any genetic variants that affect how our baby will respond to common prescriptions for a fraction of what cord blood storage costs, we ordered Parallel Profile right away.”
Parallel Profile™ can protect your child
“My mother had a horrible reaction to a blood thinner. She ended up in a coma and barely survived. When my doctor recommended it to me, I was too scared to take it. But a Parallel Profile™ gave my doctor the information he needed to prescribe the right dose for me, and although I know it doesn’t guarantee I’m safe, it gave me the confidence to take it, and the information to take it more safely.”
Parallel Profile™ can improve medication and dosage
“After a tense week in ICU, I decided I needed to know a lot more about my medications. So I got a Parallel Profile Premium™ and discovered that there are 46 medications that I should avoid entirely or use only with extra monitoring. I am so glad there was a good alternative available for almost all of them. I already switched three of the five medications I’m on and am doing much better. I now have my list of what to avoid in the future.”
Parallel Profile™ can help find the medications that are safest for you
“Being a nurse, I have seen some serious ADRs in my hospital. Knowing that many of these ADRs could have been avoided, I ordered a Parallel Profile™ for each of my three kids, my parents and myself. Now we’re prepared to answer the questions I ask patients: “do you have any problems with any medications?“
Parallel Profile™ can prevent ADRs and help keep your entire family safe
“I was getting worried when I realized my husband began taking more frequent and longer naps, was walking at a much slower pace and his heart rate was significantly lower than normal. Parallel Profile™ helped him discover the optimal medications for him based on his genetics. He is feeling better and safer, and I’m less worried.
Parallel Profile™ can improve your quality of life
“My husband is allergic to a common preservative, called ‘sulfites.’ I know that it is used in wines. What I didn’t know until I got his Parallel Profile™ is that it’s also in the medication that landed him in the ICU for a week. Now I have a list of medications with sulfites, as well as the 24 other drugs that are high risk for him based on his genetics.”
Parallel Profile™ can reduce risk and help keep people healthy
“My parents are both over 80 years old taking a dozen medications each. I hated watching as they suffered from sleeplessness, dizziness, runny noses and itchy eyes, memory problems, acid reflux and more. When I asked my parents about their medications, they weren’t able to tell me what all of them were for. So I ordered both of them a Parallel Profile™ and realized that they were taking as many medications to treat the side effects as they were to treat conditions. In bringing this information to their doctors, they were able to switch a couple of their medications that were problems and reduce their side effects.”
Parallel Profile™ can help make you a better caregiver
“My mother was on 14 medications and seemed to be getting worse, not better. Based on her Parallel Profile™ report, her doctors changed several of them and were able to eliminate five medications that she was taking to control the side effects of the others.”
Parallel Profile™ can make taking lots of medicines simpler and safer
“I like not having to be on any medications. When my lab results showed I might need cholesterol medications and am close to having type 2 diabetes just like my father, I became very worried. My dad had an ADR and I didn’t want to have the same issue. Parallel Profile™ showed me that I have a few genetic variants that make medications a risk for me, and several others that are ok.”
Parallel Profile™ can keep everyone in your family safe
“My wife has a number of health problems and now over a dozen medications to take. Every time Helen receives a new medication, it seems as though she has a new reaction and the doctors have to prescribe another medication to treat it. When I ordered her Parallel Profile™, we saw which medications put her at risk of reactions, and her doctors were able to switch her to alternatives, reducing her reactions and the medications needed.”
Parallel Profile™ can make help reduce the number of medications you take