Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) Statistics


The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that treating adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a leading cause of death – more than diabetes, car accidents, military casualties, murders and gun deaths combined!

350 Americans die every single day from a prescription medication they and their doctors thought was going to help them, but instead they got an unexpected adverse drug reaction (ADR).

And ADRs send 7,400 people a day to the hospital…that’s 1 person every 12 seconds.

The FDA has stated that pharmacogenomics (DNA testing that reveals how medications affect individuals) can play an important role in discovering responders and non-responders to medications, avoiding ADRs (adverse drug reactions) and optimizing medication dosage.

“The vast majority of drugs – more than 90% – only work in 30-50% of the people.”
— Dr. Allen Roses, Worldwide Vice President of Genetics, GlaxoSmithKline, 2016

How you will respond to a medication is as unique as your fingerprints.

It’s true! Words like “most” or “average” doesn’t necessarily apply to you. No matter the common side effects for any medications, and no matter the average statistics for encountering ADRs for a specific prescription medication, you may still have a dangerous or life-threatening reaction – Those people aren’t just statistics, and neither are you. You’re unique, and so is your risk.

News & Announcements

350 Americans die every day from an unexpected adverse reaction to a prescription medication meant to help them.

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